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Proof of address upload.Acceptable Documentation Guide. Successful file uploads will be listed above. If you wish to delete the uploaded file, hover and click on the bin icon that appears next to the file name.
Proof of identity upload.Acceptable Documentation Guide. Successful file uploads will be listed above. If you wish to delete the uploaded file, hover and click on the bin icon that appears next to the file name.
Maximum number of entries reached.
Additional Documentation.Acceptable Documentation Guide. Successful file uploads will be listed above. If you wish to delete the uploaded file, hover and click on the bin icon that appears next to the file name.
The details and information provided are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have the full capacity and authority to enter into transactions with Currency Partners and declare to the best of my knowledge the information provided is accurate and correct. I have complied with all applicable legislation and regulations governing my activities including any anti-money laundering legislation and SARB exchange control regulations.